- cognitive load
- • когнитивная нагрузка• познавательная нагрузка
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
Cognitive load — The term cognitive load is used in cognitive psychology to illustrate the load related to the executive control of working memory (WM). Theories contend that during complex learning activities the amount of information and interactions that must… … Wikipedia
Cognitive Load Theory — Die Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) ist eine Theorie der kognitiven Belastung beim Lernen. Sie wurde von John Sweller und Paul Chandler aufgestellt. Die CLT geht davon aus, dass Lernen mit kognitiver Belastung verbunden ist, und beschreibt, wodurch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Extraneous cognitive load — is the working memory load experienced by learners as they interact with instructional materials. This is a type of cognitive load that instructional designers do have some ability to control (Chandler and Sweller, 1991). Extraneous cognitive… … Wikipedia
Germane cognitive load — is that load devoted to the processing, construction and automation of schemas. Germane load was first described by Sweller, van Merrienboer and Paas in 1998. While intrinsic cognitive load is generally thought to be immutable, instructional… … Wikipedia
Intrinsic cognitive load — is the inherent level of difficulty associated with instructional materials.The term Intrinsic cognitive load was first described by [http://www.leaonline.com/doi/abs/10.1207/s1532690xci0804 2 Chandler and Sweller (1991)] . According to Chandler… … Wikipedia
Cognitive map — Cognitive maps (also known as mental maps, mind maps, cognitive models, or mental models) are a type of mental processing composed of a series of psychological transformations by which an individual can acquire, code, store, recall, and decode… … Wikipedia
Cognitive architecture — A cognitive architecture is a blueprint for intelligent agents. It proposes (artificial) computational processes that act like certain cognitive systems, most often, like a person, or acts intelligent under some definition. Cognitive… … Wikipedia
Cognitive infocommunications — (CogInfoCom) investigates the link between the research areas of infocommunications and cognitive sciences, as well as the various engineering applications which have emerged as the synergic combination of these sciences. The primary goal of… … Wikipedia
Cognitive Constraints on Compositional Systems — Fred Lerdahl s Cognitive Constraints on Compositional Systems cites Pierre Boulez s Le Marteau sans Maître (1955) as an example of a huge gap between compositional system and cognized result, though he could have illustrated just as well with… … Wikipedia
Neo-Piagetian theories of cognitive development — For more information, see Piaget s theory of cognitive development, Cognitive development and Intelligence. Psychology … Wikipedia
Charge cognitive — La charge cognitive est une théorie développée par John Sweller et Fred Paas (mais d autres chercheurs travaillent sur cette notion) qui tend à expliquer les échecs, ou les réussites, des personnes essentiellement en activité d apprentissage mais … Wikipédia en Français